Marriage is one of the major milestones in life. It is a commitment of two people who have decided to take the next step in building a life together. As the giddiness of wedding preparation begins, one important item is always forgotten on the check list, a pre-marital health screening.

Pre-marital health screening is a test that assesses the health of couples who are considering marriage and provide them the information of their current health condition. It also highlights potential health problems such as infectious and transmissible diseases that could pose a risk to their partner and their offspring when they eventually plan to start a family.

Understanding the genetics of your partner could not only provide the necessary precaution and treatment options, it will help you understand the tendencies of health condition in your partner such as cholesterol and blood pressure level, and you would be able to care for your partner better.

Pre-marital health screening in Malaysia is often required when couples submit their wedding registration. This precaution is for the benefit of the couple in charting their family planning together.

At Sunway Medical Centre, we offer a comprehensive pre-marital health screening, catered for your peace of mind towards your big day.

per package
Blood Test*: Full Blood Count | Peripheral Blood Film | Blood Grouping | Venereal Disease Research Laboratory (VDRL) | Hepatitis B Screening | HIV
Consultation by Health Screening Doctor
per package
Blood Test*: Full blood count | Peripheral Blood Film | Blood Grouping | Venereal Disease Research Laboratory (VDRL) | Hepatitis B Screening | HIV
Consultation by Health Screening Doctor

* No fasting required for both couple & individual package.


To register, seek more information or enquiries, kindly contact us at:

Tel +603-7491 1198
+603-7491 1302
Fax +603-7491 1423
Operation Hours: Monday – Friday: 8:00am – 5:30pm
Saturday: 8:00am – 1:00pm
Location 4th Floor, Tower A (next to Radiology department)