Don't Wait,
Screen Today!
1 In 19 Malaysian Women
will experience breast cancer

Do you know that?

BREAST cancer is the most common cancer among Malaysian women.

Several factors, such as age, family history, and genetics, can increase the risk of developing breast cancer.

Detecting breast cancer at an early stage increases the chances of successful treatment. Unfortunately, it is estimated that only 1 in 10 Malaysians attend regular mammogram screening.

This Pink October Month,
we are giving out

Free Mammogram

To the first 500 eligible participants!

Please fill in this form to register your interest from October 1st and October 31st, 2023.

Those who meet the eligibility criteria will receive notifications for their screenings, which will take place at Sunway Medical Centre Sunway City, Sunway Medical Centre Velocity, and Sunway Medical Centre Penang throughout the months of November 2023, December 2023, and January 2024.

registration form


Please select your preferred screening location (if you are eligible for free screening)

Sila pilih lokasi pemeriksaan pilihan anda (jika anda layak untuk pemeriksaan percuma)



Are you above 40 years of age?

Adakah anda berumur 40 tahun ke atas?



Have you had a Mammogram in the last 12 months?

Pernahkah anda menjalani pemeriksaan Mammogram dalam tempoh 12 bulan yang lalu?



Have you ever had personal history of breast cancer?

Adakah anda mempunyai sejarah peribadi kanser payudara?



At what age did you have your first menstrual period?

Pada umur berapa anda mengalami haid pertama?



What is your age when you had menopause?

Pada umur berapa anda putus haid/menopaus?



Have you ever been pregnant before?

Adakah anda pernah hamil sebelum ini?



What is your age when you had your FIRST full-term pregnancy?

Apakah umur anda semasa anda bersalin anak pertama?



Have you experienced non-cancerous lumps/cysts in the breasts before?

Adakah anda pernah mengalami ketulan/sista bukan kanser pada payudara sebelum ini?



Does any of your first-degree family had history of breast cancer or ovarian cancer? (First degree; mother, father, siblings, children)

Adakah anda mempunyai sejarah keluarga terdekat yang mempunyai kanser payudara atau kanser ovari? (Keluarga terdekat; ibu, ayah, adik-beradik, anak)


I have read and fully understand the contents of this document. I AGREE to the terms and conditions stated above.
I AGREE for all my personal and medical information provided in this form and during the screening to be collected and processed in accordance to Sunway Medical Centre’s privacy policy which can be found at

Saya telah membaca dan memahami sepenuhnya kandungan dokumen ini. Saya BERSETUJU dengan terma dan syarat yang dinyatakan di atas.

我已详细阅读并完全理解本文档的内容。 我同意上述条款和条件。

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Terms and conditions / Syarat Kelayakan /

  • For women aged 40 years and above only.

    Untuk wanita berumur 40 tahun ke atas sahaja.


  • This free mammogram screening is for women who are at risk of developing breast cancer. Patients with pre-existing diagnosis of breast cancer are not eligible for the free mammogram screening.

    Saringan Percuma Kanser Payudara ini hanya untuk orang yang berisiko menghadapi kanser payudara. Pesakit dengan diagnosis kanser payudara yang sedia ada tidak layak untuk saringan percuma ini.

    此项免费的乳房 X 光检查适用于有患乳腺癌风险的女性。已诊断为乳腺癌患者的女性不符合此项免费乳房 X 光检查的条件。

  • This free breast cancer screening does not cover the costs of any additional services recommended by the doctor based on screening result.

    Saringan percuma kanser payudara ini tidak menanggung kos sebarang perkhidmatan tambahan yang disyorkan oleh doktor berdasarkan keputusan saringan.


  • If you are eligible for this free screening, we will contact you within 5-12 working days.

    Kami akan menghubungi anda dalam tempoh 5-12 hari bekerja sekiranya anda layak untuk menerima saringan percuma ini.

    如果您符合资格参加此免费筛查,我们将在 5-12 个工作日内与您联系。

  • The screening appointment will be scheduled based on the availability of the screening centre. Screenings will take place in the months of November and December.

    Saringan akan dijadualkan berdasarkan ketersediaan pusat saringan. Saringan akan bermula pada bulan November and Disember.


  • This free screening programme is only available for Malaysian citizens.

    Program saringan percuma ini hanya untuk warganegara Malaysia.


  • The Company reserves the right to change these terms and conditions at any time without prior notice.

    Pihak syarikat berhak untuk mengubah mana-mana terma dan syarat ini pada bila-bila masa tanpa notis terlebih dahulu.


  • For more information on this free screening, please WhatsApp 011-3322 6645.

    Untuk maklumat lanjut, sila WhatsApp 011-3322 6645.

    如欲了解更多信息,请WhatsApp 011-3322 6645。

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